Simple recipes made by us for the pleasure of the eyes and the taste buds.

Our Limoges porcelain creations set the stage


of Alix


Egg whites
4 egg whites
Custard cream
1/2 liter milk
4 egg yolks
100 g caster sugar
vanilla pod, split and scraped
1 pinch salt
100 g caster sugar
2 tablespoons water
lemon juice


Custard: Bring 1/2 liter of milk to the boil with a dash of salt and a vanilla pod, split and scraped. Place the egg yolks in a bowl with the sugar. Work the mixture with a wooden spoon until it whitens slightly. Gradually stir in the boiling milk. Return to the saucepan over a low heat, stirring constantly with the wooden spoon, scraping the bottom of the pan, until the cream thickens slightly and coats the spoon. Remove from heat before boiling, otherwise the cream will swirl.

Bring a large pan of water to the boil. Beat the egg whites until stiff.

When the water is just about to boil (when it's simmering), drop balls of egg whites into it with a tablespoon, 4 or 5 at most at any one time. Cook for just a few seconds, then turn over immediately with the spoon. Drain them after a few moments, when they have puffed up. Cook the remaining egg whites in the same way.

Caramel: melt the sugar with the water in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over very low heat. When the sugar has melted, increase the heat a little, keeping an eye on the cooking. As soon as the syrup starts to boil, stop stirring with the spatula, but tilt the pan from time to time to even out the color and distribute the heat, and pour the boiling syrup over the whites. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

When the custard has cooled completely, place the egg whites on top and serve.

pitcher Orion - compote dish Louis XVI - small plate Demeter -


of Alix

Ingredients (serves 4)

2 yellow lemons
1 lime (zest)
3 eggs
100g sugar
250g mascarpone 

Seasonal fruits and edible flowers for decoration


Remove the zest from one of your lemons, then squeeze both to extract the juice. Separate the egg whites from the yolks, then beat the whites until stiff. Next, whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture whitens.

Add the mascarpone, lemon juice and zest, and whisk until smooth. Fold the egg whites into the lemon cream using a maryse. 

Garnish individual dishes or containers as desired, then leave to stand for 2 hours in the fridge. Decorate with lime zest, seasonal fruit and edible flowers (we used lime blossom) just before serving.

Medium oven dish Empire -


of Hélène


1 pot of plain yoghurt
3 pots of flour
1 and a half pots of sugar
1 sachet of organic yeast - Hélène insists that it's the detail that makes the difference
3 eggs
1 pot of melted butter
2 heaped tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder
1 sachet of vanilla sugar


Preheat the oven to 180°. Mix together yoghurt, flour, sugar, baking powder, eggs and butter.

Separate the dough into two containers, add the vanilla sugar to one and the cocoa to the other.

In a buttered mould, alternate layers of plain and chocolate dough. Then, using a wooden stick, artistically mix the dough in the mould.

Bake at 180° or 200° depending on your oven for 35 minutes.

cake dish Louis XVI -


of La guinguette d'Angèle

Ingredients (for 4 people)

330g churned butter
160g blond sugar
115g panela (very wholemeal sugar)
3 eggs
200g rice flour
150g almond powder
100g buckwheat flour
380g dark chocolate chips
170g pecan nuts
3 pinches of coarse grey salt
1 handful of flax seeds


Preheat the oven to 185° C. In order to benefit from the goodness of the flaxseeds, crush them in a blender. If you have chocolate bars, cut half squares with a large knife. The ideal is to find nuggets.

In a large bowl, or better still in a food processor, mix the fresh butter, sugars and coarse salt. When the mixture is homogeneous, add the eggs, the flours and the almond powder, lastly, add the pecan nuts, the small pieces of chocolate and the flax seeds. Make balls of any size you like (for example, you can make about 15 large ones with these proportions), and leave to cool for at least 15 minutes in the freezer.

Spread your fresh raw cookies on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for 10 minutes for very soft cookies and 15 minutes if you like them crispier.


of Virginie


4 eggs
3 tablespoons flour
110 g caster sugar
1/4 litre of milk
500 g cherries
Almond powder (optional)


Beat the eggs with the sugar for a long time until the mixture becomes creamy. Add the flour little by little while stirring and possibly the almond powder (to your taste).

Pour in the milk and stir well.

Place the unstoned cherries at the end of the dish and pour in the mixture.

Bake for 45 minutes at 160° until golden brown (depending on the oven).

Medium oven dish Simple - 


of Joséphine


150 g flour
50 g almond powder
1 sachet baking powder
4 teaspoons matcha tea
100 g full cream
200 g butter, half salt
4 whole eggs
200 g caster sugar
200 g raspberries (fresh or frozen)


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Infuse the matcha in the crème fraiche. Beat the eggs with the caster sugar. Add the melted butter. Then add the flour, yeast and matcha cream to the mixture. Gently fold the raspberries into the mixture.

Butter the cake tin generously. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 40 minutes. Leave to cool before removing from the tin.


of Alix

For about 20 meatballs⠀

750g minced pork loin (must be ordered in advance from the butcher)⠀⠀
750g of onions fried in butter⠀⠀
The equivalent of half a baguette of bread soaked in milk⠀
2 whole eggs⠀⠀
One tin of breadcrumbs⠀
Salt and freshly ground pepper⠀
Ground cumin⠀
50 cl of crème fraiche


Peel and chop the onions. Then fry them over a medium heat in a pan with a mixture of butter and oil. Once slightly caramelized let them cool.

Soak the bread in the milk. Then mix the crumbled bread crumbs and the onions with their cooking juices. Add the 2 whole eggs and mix together.

Form balls of about 5 cm in diameter and roll them in the breadcrumbs. Place them on a baking tray covered with baking paper. Bake at 180° for 30 to 40 minutes.

Caucasian meatballs are best served with ground cumin and crème fraîche.

Small oven dish Simple 


of Alix


4 tomatoes
3 large courgettes
2 eggplants
A large handful of chopped parsley
4 bay leaves
A few sprigs of fresh thyme
3 tablespoons of olive oil
salt and freshly ground pepper


Preheat the oven to 210°. Clean all the vegetables and cut them into very thin, even slices. Sprinkle the aubergines with coarse salt. Leave to stand for 20 minutes and then rinse them with boiling water.

Rub the oven dish with the garlic and then arrange the slices of the different vegetables alternately, pressing them together.

Sprinkle with garlic, place thyme sprigs and bay leaves on top. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake for 30 minutes.

When the tian comes out of the oven, sprinkle it with chopped fresh parsley and serve immediately.

Medium oven dish Demeter - 


of Alix


2 bunches of green, purple or white asparagus
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons of water
A few drops of lemon (about 1/4 lemon)
100g butter
2 tablespoons of fresh cream
salt and pepper


If you choose white asparagus, you will need to peel the stalks and cut off the bottom. If you choose green or purple asparagus, you will not need to peel them as long as they are fresh.

Cooking the asparagus: start in cold water and allow 20 minutes for white and 15 for green.

For the mousseline sauce: over a low heat, whisk the egg yolks with the water and lemon in a thick-bottomed pan. Gradually add the butter while continuing to whisk, then the crème fraiche. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve with the asparagus while still warm.

Plate and bowl Louis XVI -


of Alix


3 red peppers
1 clove of garlic
olive oil
pink bays


Place the peppers in the oven at 180°C on a baking tray covered with baking paper for about 40 minutes, turning them halfway through the cooking time.

Remove the peppers from the oven and wait until they are completely cool before peeling them: the skin will come off very easily if they are cold. Remove all the seeds.

Arrange them in strips in a small vegetable dish with the crushed garlic clove. Cover with olive oil and sprinkle with pink bays.

The marinated peppers can be eaten immediately on fresh or toasted bread.

Small oven dish Louis XVI -


of Alix


For the pastry:
300 g flour
190 g soft butter
5 cl water
0.5 tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch of salt
one egg yolk

For the garnish:
1 kg Reinette apples
25 g brown sugar
5 g ground cinnamon
one lemon


Start by preparing the pastry by dicing the softened butter. Pour the flour into a bowl and make a well in it. Stir in the butter, salt and bicarbonate. Knead the dough, then gradually add the water. Knead again until it forms a ball. Cover the bowl and leave to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Peel and slice the apples, sprinkle them with the lemon juice in a bowl, add the cinnamon and mix to coat them completely.
Remove the pastry from the fridge and roll it out on a floured work surface, enough to cut two discs larger than your tin. Place the first disc at the bottom of the tin. Line it with apple pieces. Make strips between one and two cm wide with the second disc of pastry and create a grid pattern on the top. Seal the edges by pinching with your fingers, brush the pastry with egg yolk, then sprinkle with brown sugar and bake for 55 mins.
Dish Oreste and small plates Jacob -


of Alix


One 3 kg turkey
400 g sausage meat
4 slices raw duck foie gras
75 g cooked chestnuts
200 g button mushrooms
200 g chanterelles
One shallot
A bunch of chives
100 g sandwich bread
10 cl semi-skimmed milk
5 cl olive oil
Salt and freshly ground pepper


Start by preparing the stuffing by peeling the button mushrooms and chanterelles. Cut them into quarters, then finely chop the chives. Finally, peel and chop the shallot. Pour the olive oil into a pre-heated frying pan and quickly sauté the mushrooms. Season and add the shallots, then cook for one minute. Add the chives and leave to cool.

Soak the breadcrumbs in the milk, cut the foie gras into large cubes and coarsely crush the chestnuts. In a bowl, mix the sausage meat with the drained breadcrumbs, then season with salt and pepper. Add the mushrooms, chestnuts and foie gras cubes, mix well and set aside in a cool place.

Preheat oven to 180°C. Salt the inside and outside of the turkey, then stuff and flange it, and finally place it in your baking dish. Cover with aluminum foil and place in the oven for at least 3 hours. Baste copiously throughout the cooking time. Half an hour before the end of the cooking time, raise the oven temperature to 210°C and remove the aluminum foil to allow the turkey skin to color. Once cooked, season with pepper and leave the turkey to rest for 30 minutes.

The marinated peppers can be eaten immediately on fresh or toasted bread.

Oven dishes simple -